bergen Vegfest

Vestlandets Vegetariske festival
20. april 11:00 - 17.00 | det Akademiske Kvarter

ready for western norway's most delicious festivaL?

Join Western Norway's first VegFest and celebrate tasty veggie foods with us!

There will be mouth-watering food waiting for you - we can promise that it’ll be hard to decide what to eat! Moreover, you can look forward to cooking classes where you can learn from the best to prepare delicious veggie foods… and taste them!

You will also have the chance to learn more about plant-based foods and their advantages for the environment and your health as well as about animal welfare. Have a chat with dedicated NGOs or listen to interesting talks held by knowledgeable speakers.

Bergen VegFest is a festival for the whole family! And don’t forget to invite your friends! Everyone who likes good food is welcome! 

Cooking classes, 
mouth-watering veggie foods
and talks

You will also have the chance to learn more about plant-based foods and their advantages for the environment and your health as well as about animal welfare. Have a chat with dedicated NGOs or listen to interesting talks held by knowledgeable speakers.

Bergen VegFest – Vestlandets Vegetariske Festival is a festival for the whole family. And don’t forget to invite your friends! Everyone who likes good food is welcome.

Bergen VegFest is organized by the non-profit organization Grønn Framtid.

Veggie food

20th april 2024


Date & opening hours:

Saturday 20th April 2024 / 11:00 - 17:00


Det Akademiske Kvarter (Olav Kyrres gate 49, Bergen)


NOK 79/64 (adult / student / honnør).
buy ticket online and skip the line or at the door


Great news: Your ticket to Bergen VegFest gives you free entrance to all our program which includes a cooking class, talks, kid's corner, clothing swap and more! You will join, won't you?


Vestlandets Vegetarfestival 2024 with all its stalls opens.

Synes du det er vanskelig å se for seg et liv uten animalske produkter? Hvis du kobler opp tankene og følelsene våre på de mer overhengende verdiene og underliggende behovene dine, blir du en sterkere og mer helhetlig hjelper for dyrs rettigheter. På Bergen VegFest får publikum anledning til å se på seg selv, sine mørke sider og ikke minst ressurser. Kjenner man seg selv, blir det nemlig enklere å håndtere andre. Dette foredraget inkluderer konkrete verktøy og tips til hvordan du kan bli og ikke minst hvordan forbli veggis.

Bjarte Malum er utdannet vernepleier med vid.utd. i veiledningspedagogikk. Han er gjesteforeleser på Høyskolene i Norge og styreleder i Veiledernettverk Bergen. I tillegg er han foredragsholder, yogi, syklist, musiker og gründer.

The talk will be held in Norwegian.

Join us for a yoga session at Bergen VegFest! Led by yoga instructor Jacqueline this class is for everyone. Whether you're a seasoned yogi or a beginner, this session welcomes all levels, focusing on flexibility, relaxation, mindfulness and feeling good.

Jacqueline will guide you through poses to help you unwind and feel calm. You'll learn how yoga can make your body and mind feel better.

Grab your yoga mat and join us! It's a great way to take a break and feel peaceful at Bergen VegFest.

Trenger det å være vanskelig og tidkrevende å lage vegansk mat, og må jeg gå i hundre ulike butikker for å finne råvarene?

Svaret fra Mari Hult er et rungende NEI, og på dette kurset skal hun underbygge denne påstanden.

I løpet av 45 minutter skal Mari snakke om hvordan du enkelt kan spise vegansk i en travel hverdag, samtidig som hun demonstrerer matlaging i praksis. Og trenger vegansk mat å være dyrt?

Kom på kurs så får du se (og smake)! Mari driver Norges største og mest leste veganske matblogg,, og har gitt ut kokebøkene "Sykt godt" (2016), "Sykt enkelt" (2018) og “Sykt billig” (2021) samt fagboken "Plantebasert kosthold" (2019).

Enten du å få ny matinspirasjon, er allerede vegetarianer eller veganer: Dette kurset vil gi deg inspirasjon og praktiske tips for å lage digge og rimelige måltider.

The cooking class will be held in Norwegian.

Experience Miss Wednesday's captivating performance at Bergen VegFest! Originally from Sandnes but now calling Bergen home, this talented artist seamlessly blends rock'n'roll with modern pop. Join us for an unforgettable concert showcasing her versatile talent and magnetic stage presence!

The concert will be in Stjernesalen.

Som spesialist i allmennmedisin og leder for en forskningsgruppe ved Haukeland universitetssykehus, har Dr. Fadnes en dyp forståelse av hvordan kostholdet vårt påvirker helsen vår på lang sikt. I dette engasjerende foredraget vil Dr. Fadnes dele forskning på hvordan ulike matvalg kan påvirke vår generelle helse, livskvalitet og forventet levealder.

Lars Fadnes er professor ved Universitet i Bergen, og sitter også i Nasjonalt råd for ernæring og Norsk forening for allmennmedisin sin faggruppe for aktivitet og kosthold. Fadnes har jobbet med forskning blant annet på kostholdsmønstre og hvordan det påvirker på sykdom, i tillegg til klinisk arbeid som fastlege.

The talk will be held in Norwegian.

Hvordan lever griser i Norge i dag? Hva er de vanligste mytene om norsk dyrevelferd? I dette foredraget vil Norun Haugen fortelle om dyrevelferdsproblemene i griseindustrien samtidig som hun tar et oppgjør med klassiske myter som at vi er verdens beste på dyrevelferd eller at vi ikke har industrilandbruk i Norge. Du får høre historier om noen av dyrene hun har møtt, om vanskelige etiske dilemmaer hun stod i på undercover, og hvordan avstumpingen fikk et sterkt grep rundt både henne, bøndene og slakteriarbeiderne i møte med all lidelsen. Norun vil også fortelle om politiske fremskritt for grisene og du får gode tips til hva du kan gjøre for å bidra til at landbruksdyrene får leve bedre liv.

Norun Haugen gikk undercover i norsk kjøttindustri i over 5 år og filmet med skjult kamera. De sjokkerende funnene hennes ble brukt i Brennpunkt-dokumentaren «Griseindustriens hemmeligheter». Siden dokumentaren har hun jobbet politisk for å bedre dyrevelferden til landbruksdyrene, og til grisene spesielt. I 2023 utga hun boken “Til dyrene - sannheten om norsk dyrevelferd”.

The talk will be in Norwegian.

Lisa and Parsa Massahi are the masterminds behind Polarhagen, a biodynamic and vegan vegetable farm located in Lofoten.

The couple want to show that it is possible to feed Norway and the world through a vegan cultivation practice. And it's not only possible, but it's also better for non-human animals, for humans, and for our planet. Do you want to learn more about vegan farming, future food production and animal rights? Then you are most welcome to a lecture with Parsa from Polarhagen! Parsa will share both practical experiences, philosophical and spiritual food for thought and take up a number of myths about our Norwegian agriculture. What challenges will we face in the shift from an agriculture that destroys nature to an agriculture that heals - and how do we solve these challenges?

Finally, Parsa will give us a sneak peak to the new, exciting concept for Polarhagen, namely that they will create an animal sanctuary on their farm! An animal sanctuary (“dyrefristed” in Norwegian) is a place where animals are allowed to live without being a product. They do not have to create a product, such as eggs, milk or meat, and are simply allowed to exist in the world. These are often animals that are saved from slaughter, in that the farmer does not want to keep them any longer, because they do not produce enough for the farm. Do you think that sounds exciting? We’ll see you at the lecture then, won’t we?

The talk will be in English.

Bergen VegFest is for everyone - including the small ones! Come to the kid's corner at Bergen VegFest for some painting and fun! Join us for a celebration of compassion, health, and sustainability that's perfect for every age group.

Step into the Mingle Area at Bergen VegFest, the coolest hangout spot where veggies rule and connections bloom! Picture a cozy corner filled with laughter and bring a snack from one of our great exhibitors to enhoy the friendliest faces around. Whether you're a seasoned veggie enthusiast or just curious about plant-powered living, sustainability, animal welfare or healthy food - this is where you can munch, mingle, and make memories that'll last long after the festival ends. So grab a snack, strike up a conversation, and let the good times roll in the Mingle Area at Bergen VegFest!

Vestlandets Vegetarfestival with all its stalls closes.

How to get there?

Bergen VegFest – Vestlandets Vegetariske Festival takes place at Det Akademiske Kvarter in Bergen. Det Akademiske Kvarter is located at Olav Kyrres gate 49. Take the bus to e.g. "Festplassen" in the centre and you will have Det Akademiske Kvarter within 7 minutes walking distance. Det Akademiske Kvarter is a usually a student house, but we promise you that Bergen VegFest is a veggie food celebration for the whole family! Use Skyss to plan your route. We recommend to use public transportation. 


Free entrance | Be part of an amazing team
Free meal | Make a real difference :)




Grønn Framtid is the organiser of Bergen VegFest.

Grønn Framtid is a charity organisation working towards a more just food system – for humans, animals and the planet alike. Many of the most pressing problems in today’s society have one thing in common: They are connected to our high consumption of animal products. Grønn Framtid’s work for a more plant-based diet saves the environment for huge strains, prevents the most common lifestyle diseases and helps animals suffering in intensive agriculture.


Bergen VegFest is supported by Bergen municipality (Bergen kommune).


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Become exhibitor or sponsor

Would you like to become a sponsor for or exhibitor at Western Norway's veggie festival?

Bergen VegFest gives you therefore an excellent opportunity to reach a lot of people in your target group. We are expecting over 1 500 attendees.

Join us at the same time making a difference for the environment, the animals and public health with us! Vegetarianism and veganism is on the rise in Norway and a lot of companies – big and small – are jumping on the veggie bandwagon.

We are looking forward to welcome you at Bergen VegFest 2024! If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at


Grønn Framtid (organizer) 

Grønn Framtid is a charity organisation working towards a more just food system - for humans, animals and the planet alike. Many of the most pressing problems in today’s society have one thing in common: They are connected to our high consumption of animal products. Grønn Framtid’s work for a more plant-based diet saves the environment from huge strain, prevents the most common lifestyle diseases and helps animals suffering in intensive agriculture.

Grønn Framtid is the organiser of Bergen VegFest - Vestlandets Vegetarfestival.


Delve into the world of Reinrot as part of the Nofima project on BioActive substances in herbs. Stop by their stand to explore the fascinating realm of herbal innovation and learn about Reinrot's role in enhancing health and wellness.

Casheury - Vegan Creamery

Casheury is a small vegan creamery based in the south of Sweden with the dream of creating a valid alternative to cheese able to contribute positively to the change in the food habits and the food production that our planet urges us to make. Look forward to try their delicious cheeses based on cashew nuts!

Circle Stickers - stickers for a better world

Non-profit webshop with meaningful stickers and buttons - for a better future!

Craving Nutrition

Craving Nutrition is your go-to destination for guilt-free indulgence. Dive into their menu of wholesome smoothie bowls and shakes, packed with protein and bursting with flavor. Gluten-free, & vegan - their creations promise to satisfy your cravings while nourishing your body from the inside out.

Dyrebeskyttelsen Bergen

Dyrebeskyttelsen Bergen, established in 1862, is Norways oldest, independent animal charity. Their rescue center helps abandoned cats find new and loving homes, as well as providing the necessary veterinary attention, and socialization, they require before being re-homed. A dedicated team of volunteers run the rescue center, which is funded by the generosity of the public, membership program, and re-homing.


The Norwegian Animal Protection Alliance helps those animals who need it the most, in intensive farming, the fur industry and in animal experimentation. The Norwegian Animal Protection Alliance's vision is that no animal should suffer for profit, ignorance or traditions.

EDNA Spices

EDNA spices serves delicious, freshly made Tamil appetizers as well as handmade toffee/cookies. Karthiha, the founder, is passionate about conveying and sharing her Tamil culture and food traditions. EDNA Spices is a heartfelt endeavor to share the rich heritage and culinary traditions of Tamil culture. They are located in Fyllingsdalen and sell take-away of Tamil food once a month, hold cooking classes and take part in markets throughout the town. Come and taste!

Effektiv Altruisme UiB

Effective Altruism UiB provides students in Bergen with knowledge, motivation, and opportunity to make the largest positive impact on the world. With EA UiB, you can learn about a range of global issues shaping the world, and possible ways you can contribute to solving these. Their focus is on members' growth, personally and professionally, through regular activities focusing on skill-building, career planning, motivation, impact awareness, and building a network, as well as meeting for social events.

Halka Phulka

At Halka Phulka, their mission is simple: to serve authentic Indian cuisine. Experience the rich tapestry of Indian cuisine at Halka Phulka, where passion for food shines through in every dish.

Inside Rock Cafe

Inside Rock Cafe is a social dining place with focus on great guitar music and amazing burgers for everyone. At Bergen VegFest you can indulge in their mouthwatering vegan burgers, each crafted with care and bursting with flavor. Don't forget to pair your meal with one of our delicious vegan milkshakes, like the refreshing Strawberry Shake or the tropical Mango Shake.

The International Vegetarian

The International Vegetarian provides free information about the aspect of eating plant-based, and recipes for a variety of tasty veggie food. Also look out for the free vegan biscuits! is a website that provides important information and practical advice about how to give house rabbits the best lives possible. The goal of the website is to stop pet rabbit suffering by educating the owners about rabbit needs and behavior.

The Kombucha

The Kombucha was founded as quest to build up a provider of more tasteful and healthy option to mainstream sodas. Enjoy a vibrant array of handcrafted kombucha blends, each bursting with unique flavors and health benefits - made in Bergen.

La Pomme Bergen

La Pomme is an online pastry shop proud to offer delicious vegan pastries in Bergen. They refuse to compromise on quality or taste, so you can enjoy vegan pastries that will change the way you look at vegan desserts.

NOAH – for dyrs rettigheter

NOAH is an organisation that always promotes the animals’ case and is never satisfied with compromises at their expense. Animals do not exist for human use. They exist to live their own lives. This is why NOAH works against all exploitation of animals.

Norwegian Energy

Tasty Norwegian Energy drinks that also boost your health and immune system! Enjoy a refreshing boost that keeps you feeling good and ready for whatever comes your way.

Plant Based Treaty

Plant Based Treaty is an international organization pushing for a Plant Based Treaty between nations as a companion to the UNFCCC Paris Agreement. The treaty would put food systems at the heart of combating the climate crisis, aiming to halt the widespread degradation of critical ecosystems caused by animal agriculture, to promote a shift to more healthy, sustainable plant-based diets and to actively reverse damage done to planetary functions, ecosystem services and biodiversity.

Pryd Brodering

Do you have a stain to cover up, a hole to repair, or just an old garment that you want to renew a little? Then you have come to the right place! Pryd is a tiny embroidery business from Stavanger that makes meaningful iron-on patches and embroiders on (second hand) clothes and accessories.

Sunn og Grønn

Sunn og Grønn will be giving you information on how to eat more healthy and green. Sunn & Grønn will hand out free recipes as well as selling a book on eating healthy and green.

Vestland Chili 

Vestland Chili is about heat with heart. Their handcrafted hot sauces range from mild to mind-blowing, but their focus is always on flavor first. Each bottle promises a tantalizing taste adventure that'll leave your taste buds tingling for more. Heat seekers and flavor enthusiasts alike, come spice up your life at Vestland Chili.


Taste a piece of heaven with freshly baked Belgian waffles!
Delicious with a variety of toppings. Choose from whipped cream, soft serve, fresh berries and Belgian chocolate to create the waffle from your dreams. Baked to order for perfect texture. Crispy exterior and a light and fluffy interior.

den veganske spekeboden

Vegan revolution! Explore a variety of vegan cured sausages boasting five captivating flavors. From the timeless classic to the aromatic spiced, and even the innovative combinations like sausage with cranberries and snack sausage with juniper, each option promises a unique culinary adventure. Don't pass up the opportunity to indulge in the finest vegan alternative available, and prepare to be astonished by its exceptional taste!

world saving hustle

World Saving Hustle is a network organization working for a better world through nature, animal, and environmental rights. Stop by their booth and learn about activism. Here, you can become a supporting member, volunteer, or simply have a chat. Free coffee and tea will be served to all members!


Bergen VegFest wouldn't be possible without all our great sponsors! We are hugely thankful to our main sponsors Bergen kommune and Sparebankstiftelsen Sparebanken Vest. We also thank Meny Vestkanten and Kiwi Damsgårdssundet.

In addition we are really thankful for everyone who donated to Bergen VegFest's lottery:

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Bergen VegFest – Vestlandets Vegetariske Festival depends on volunteers and we need many to make it as awesome as it can be!

There are loads of possible tasks, both at the event and beforehand. To name a few: helping at bake sales or information stalls before the festival, baking vegan cake, handing out leaflets before the event, setting up and taking down on the day of the event, selling lottery tickets during the festival, check tickets at the entrance, photography / videography, helping at the kid’s corner and more!

Our shifts are short (around 4 hours), so you have the possibility to both volunteer & enjoy the festival as a guest.

Read more about the different tasks below :) 

As a volunteer you will also:

Make a load of new friends and be part of an awesome community

Make a big difference and earn our eternal gratefulness

Learn new skills - for life and for your CV

Get a free meal and free snacks the day of the event

Get free entrance to the festival

What do volunteers do?

- Click on the tasks to read more -

Moving/setting up tables, chairs, cables and signage in the hall. Helping exhibitors to find their table. We have little time to set up everything, so your work is crucial! And hey, be one of the first people seeing all of the great things Bergen VegFest has to offer 🙂 Side note: Volunteering for this task enables you also to enjoy the ENTIRE festival!

Want to make people enter the festival with a smile? You’re the first person visitors meet and you check tickets, sell tickets and hand out event guides. Join this crew if you want to give people a great festival start!

As a volunteer at the Grønn Framtid booth you inform people about the organisation behind Bergen VegFest – Vestlandets Vegetarfestival: Grønn Framtid! You inform about campaigns, give information on vegan food, sell books and look for new members who will support Grønn Framtids work. You’ll receive training before 🙂 Curious to know more now about Grønn Framtid and our mission to reduce animal products by 50 % by 2040? Check out!

You are the one who jumps in if someone is sick, if we realise that we need more people somewhere or who helps solving unforeseen problems. Bonus: You might get to see/do lots of different cool things!

You are caring for the festivals smallest visitors by drawing with them, playing or other activities – and making them smile! Bonus: Want to be the person/one of the persons planning the childrens corner as well? You already have suggestions on what the kid’s corner should look like/what the activities should be? Go ahead and write to bergen(at)

You are the person keeping the festival and it’s message alive: Even when the festival is over! As a photographer you will be all over the festival taking photos of exhibitors, visitors, speakers, cooking classes and more! Big plus if you have experience with taking good photos and if you have the possibility to take photos during the whole day – with lots of breaks of course! It’s a requirement that you bring your own camera.

You’re a star, because you make the festival look nice, tidy and clean! We need you! And of course our shining star will see a lot of the festival as you’re roaming around 🙂

You are the one making sure that speakers and cooking demo assistants have everything they need and that there are no problems during the talks and cooking demos – and of course you get to see a lot of what’s going on on stage. For this position you need to be able to speak both Norwegian and English.

At the welcome table you help visitors finding their way at the festival location, answer questions as well as selling awesome cake and raffle tickets. You are representing Bergen VegFest even more than other places! 🙂

You know, somehow we need to get all that equipment to the location. That's where you jump in! You'll transport boxes, maybe listen to some good music while driving and be the our transportation hero!

Let us know if you can help with your own car, or if you need us to fix a car for you. Note: Valid driving licence for Norway is obviously a requirement :) And: Volunteering for this task enables you also to enjoy the ENTIRE festival!

Hand out flyers about Bergen VegFest in the city center to let even more people know about our delicious festival! You’ll be away from the festival venue, but therefore your shift is one of the shortest – so plenty of time to enjoy the festival!

You’re updating people out there on social media on the day of the event – inviting everyone at home to come and join or show them what a great festival they missed! This role requires that we get to know you better before the festival – because you’re not only speaking to more than a thousand festival attendees, but also thousands of people out there!

You are the person keeping the festival and it’s message alive: Even when the festival is over! As a videographer you will be all over the festival taking videos of exhibitors, visitors, speakers, cooking classes and more! Big plus if you have experience with recording videos. It’s a requirement that you bring your own camera for this position.

Volunteer opportunities beyond the day of event/sporadic help before:
Do you have a special skill or experience and passion to volunteer with Bergen VegFest on a more ongoing, deeper level? We’d love to hear from you! The planning committee is looking for dedicated and reliable team members to help in various ways. If interested, please contact us at and tell us about yourself, your experience what you can contribute with and how much time you have.

You might also want to check out Grønn Framtid’s volunteer page or join our Facebook group for Bergen as we are working on several other awesome projects!


About Grønn Framtid

Grønn Framtid is the organiser of Bergen VegFest – Vestlandets Vegetariske Festival. Grønn Framtid is a charity organisation working towards a more just food system – for humans, animals and the planet alike. Many of the most pressing problems in today’s society have one thing in common: They are connected to our high consumption of animal products. Grønn Framtid’s work for a more plant-based diet saves the environment for huge strains, prevents the most common lifestyle diseases and helps animals suffering in intensive agriculture.




Donors help to make Bergen VegFest possible and ensure that Bergen VegFest can continue as a yearly event, an event that can ultimately improve the overall health of our community, create environmental awareness and highlight the connection between our food choices and animal welfare.

Become a member today to help Grønn Framtid achieve its goals of making plant-based food accessible for everyone – for our planet, our health and animal welfare! As a member you support Bergen VegFest as well as our other campaigns so we can effectively make a difference!

Read more about Grønn Framtid here.

Work with us

Would you like to work in an organisation that aligns with your values? With more plant-based food on our plate, we can combat several of the most pressing problems in today’s society: We save the environment from enormous strains, prevent several of the most common lifestyle diseases and help animals suffering in factory farms.

That is why Grønn Framtid changes thousands of meals in Norwegian schools and canteens every year, while Tromsø VegFest – Northern Norway’s Veggie Festival & Bergen VegFest - Western Norway's Veggie Festival and our Plant Power Challenge inspire thousands of people to eat more plant-based. Furthermore, we are cooperating with companies and are responsible for V-Label Norway. Do you want to be part of this exciting and important development?

Grønn Framtid

tromso(at) & bergen(at)
(+47) 461 66 553

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